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Internationales Frauencafé für Frauen mit Fluchthintergrund

Katholisches Forum für Erwachsenen und Familienbildung Krefeld-Viersen, Felbelstraße 25, 47799 Krefeld

  • Free
  • On site

German, English, Ukrainian


Every Thursday from 16:00 until 18:15


For the children, there is a separate program aimed at fostering their language skills through playful activities.

Sat, 20. April 12:45 − 15:15

Das tägliche brot - für alle


The Daily Bread - an initiative by the City Pastoral Care and Pastoral Team - provides food to the needy, refugees, a…

Mon, 22. April 09:30 − 11:00

Deutsch lernen


The classes take place four days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday) from 9:30 to 11:00 AM

Mon, 22. April 10:00 − 12:00

Sprachcafé in Burtscheid


For refugees who do not have a place in an integration course and would like to prepare for a language course in a lo…